Friday, January 20, 2012

Hair Today, Gone Tonight!

Spent most of the day doing nothing. I was too tired and too sore to do much of anything.

Took a very long hot shower to try and help with the back pain. It worked for a short while.

Turned out to be a very warm day outside today. Thankfully. My son decided it was a great day to be outside and playing. Usually he wants to stay indoors playing video games. I told him and his friend "not today". They both gave me that  "awe mom" look. They both groaned and went outside. Boys will be boys.

When he came back in it was fairly close to supper time. You ever had one of those nights where you just didn't feel like cooking? We decided to have a "breakfast" for dinner night. It was fun and we got to have a special mom and son night together.

Ray came home and went straight into the bathroom, after grabbing a can of WD-40. I didn't quite know what he was up to. After ten minutes or so he came out and kissed me. He shaved off his beard. He wears one every winter. It's still winter and he shaved it off. I teased him and said "okay what made you shave it off...what's her name" I hate the beard. I cannot stand them. he knows this. I tolerate it every year. He hates daily shaving. So needless to say I was weirded out that he shaved it off all of the sudden. Hair today, gone tonight!

Sitting here watching reruns of "Friends". The episode where Monica and Chandler are making wedding plans. She buys a dress, and has to return it because of another woman who wants it but she wants the same band they both want. Ah just get the DVD's and watch and laugh your butt off.

Okay I'm done NOT making sense. >.< Just one of those days I guess. I have been in a good mood most of the day.

Wondered on to Facebook several times today, just the usually game postings, rants, presidential slams, politic statements, jokes, interesting reads, and jokes. Nothing new there. I have been spending less and less time on Facebook. I am continue on with this blog and writing a book. NO it's not about my blog. It's about...well once it's finished I'll let you read it and you can see for yourselves.

I finally found the name of the crutch Ray ordered for me. It's called a Smart Crutch. It has a built in shock absorber. Will post links tomorrow!

For now it's late and I need to go spend time with Ray.

Thanks for listening to my boring day!

See you next time for more coffee and conversation.

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