Friday, January 20, 2012

Nightmares, Rain, Brunch, & Nurses Oh My!

Woke up late this morning. Ray let me sleep til almost 10. We both had a rough night, seemed the entire house was plagued with nightmares last night. Ray had one, I had two, and our son had one. No I am not superstitious...but it was rather weird.

I think it rained last night, my son also mentioned it so I guess it did. Albeit probably not enough to make a difference in the way I feel today. Weather tends to make my pain either better or worse.

I have a follower! Yay! Thank you Ms. Smith! I'm glad to see someone is following me, now I sort of know someone is at least listening to me.  lol That kind of sounded self centered didn't it. I hope I don't bore everyone away.

Still waiting on a call back from the Urologist and the Gasteroenterologist. My husband would tell me to keep calling them back. They tend to get angry at you for doing that and refuse to book an appointment for you until a month later. Or if they do book a sooner appointment for you , the nurses treat you like crap because you kept calling them and causing them to stop doing what they were doing to keep answering your phone calls. So if you cannot help it, don't keep bugging the nurses. They have enough to do without having to keep stopping helping their patients because you keep calling them every 5 minutes.

Speaking of nurses...I had a wonderful one at Eclipse Medical Imaging the last two times I was there. She was very patient with me and helped me get through a very rough exam. I wish I had gotten her name. I'd like to send her flowers to say thank you.

Ray and I went to our favorite little spot for breakfast this morning. Is it breakfast or brunch if it's at 11 AM? Any way. I went a bit overboard, but since the IVP I have been hungry for big meals. I guess a liquid diet for a day and half will do that. I had 2 eggs (over easy of course, what better way to eat them with toast), 2 pieces of toast, 2 pancakes (I only ate 1 brought the other home)1 sausage patty, and 2 pieces of bacon...was wonderful! Oh the name of the place? Shorty's Diner in Irving, Texas.

Shorty's Diner
If you go there tell Fresca I sent you. You'll know her by her quirky sense of humor, her wonderful laugh, and her outgoing manner. Don't forget to tell her I said Hello!

Ray ordered me new medical canes yesterday, I will need a bunch of his assistance to learn how to use them. They are kind of like a forearm crutch but the arm part lowers and raises. Once they arrive I will take pictures of them, and have Ray take a picture of me using them.

Well folks it's time for me to get in gear and try to get some chores done before my son comes home from school.

See you next time for more coffee and conversation. :)

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